
Finding & Citing Data

Temple Libraries has many resources for finding data. Contact your subject librarian or specialist or email for help finding and citing data. 


Many Library databases include data. Filter the Databases A-Z list by Type=Datasets to see the full list. See our Datasets and Data Repositories guide for more advice on finding data. 

Library Search 

Library Search can help with finding data. In Advanced Search, select Resource Type: Datasets, or filter search results by Resource Type: Datasets to see data results. 

Citing data  

Researchers should cite data in the same way that they cite articles, books, and other sources. For more information, see our guide to citing data or contact your subject librarian or specialist

Suggest a data purchase 

Temple Libraries aims to support the campus community’s research and classroom data needs. Suggest a dataset or data source purchasefor the Libraries’ collection. In the Type of Material field, choose “Other” and describe the material. 

Get Help

Contact your subject librarian or specialist, or email for help finding and citing data.